ref #10072 update to log4j2.xml in launchers in vaadin
[cdm-vaadin.git] / ide / eclipse / Jetty Launcher / cdm-vaadin - profile.launch
2023-02-23 Andreas Müllerref #10072 update to log4j2.xml in...
2022-01-24 Andreas Kohlbeckerupdating and fixing default launch configurations
2022-01-20 Andreas Kohlbeckerusing other jetty version in other launcher
2018-01-31 jenkinsjenkins merging release branch into master (strategy... 4.13.0
2017-12-08 Andreas Müllertranslation for login and logout
2017-05-16 jenkinsjenkins merging release branch into master (strategy... 4.7.0
2017-03-17 Andreas Kohlbeckerref #6169 using RegistrationItem in the ListView